Upcoming Movie Majili | Naga Chaitanya, Samantha, Divyansha | Story, Tra...

Majili is upcoming Telugu romantic drama film of 2019 . Majili movie is directed by Shiva Nirvana The film star cast is Naga Chaitanya and Samantha Akkineni in lead roles. On the other hand Naga Chaitanya, Samantha Akkineni, Divyansha Kaushik, Rao Ramesh, Posani Krishna Murali and Subbaraju .

The story of this upcoming telegu film is so different from another story . This story about a young boy who is mad to join the railway zone cricket team . Then he starts to love Divyansha Kaushik . But that doesn't have longlasting . They have to say break up . Then he have to marraige a unknown girl but he doesn't love her . This is to be continue on thi story .

Majili movie will release on 5 April 2019 .

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